Ages & Stages
The Village Early Learning Centre is licenced for 120 children under the age of 5 years.
They are divided into 7 rooms:
Tiny Tots : 6wks – 1 year
Toddler 1s : 12-18 months
Toddler 2s : 18-24 months
2-3s : 2-3 years
Junior 3s : 2.5-3.5 years
Kinder 3s : 3-4 years
Kinder 4s : 4-5 years
The Village is committed to employing quality staff who have completed an early childhood qualification according to the Victoria Children’s Services Regulations 1998. The centre has a pool of permanent part-time/casual staff that are regularly employed to backfill any annual or sick leave. The Village staff are easily recognisable by their uniform.
All staff have a current First Aid certificate and a Working With Children’s Check.
Assistant Educators – Certificate 3 in Early Childhood Education & Care (or working towards this qualification).
Qualified Educator – Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care
Kindergarten teacher – Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood.
Students from tertiary colleges, universities and TAFEs regularly visit the centre to gain practical experiences in the early childhood industry. Students are fully supervised while at the centre. Written information about students on placements will be displayed on each children’s room door.